Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Internship #13

This is where the ideas happen. Each person brings something to the table that will be considered in the final product. This is exactly how my project was decided. The only difference is that I was with my mentor and the boss wasn't on the phone. But this is just one example of how things get done around here.

Here is the encouragement board. It's where the employees go to get a pick-me-up if they aren't feeling up to a task. This is also where my project will go when it is finished. I will post my findings up here for review and as a constant reminder of the work that I did for the company.
Here is my sanctuary*. This is where I work on everything. I make calls from here, enter data from here, collaborate from here and sometimes even eat lunch from here. It gets kind of lonesome, but there's plenty of energy and excitement in the office so it's never boring.


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