Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Internship #5

Project title: Untitled as of 1/13
Project description: Find the amount of money for each advertising avenue and compile it in one easy-t0-read spreadsheet, complete with demographic, cost etc.
Project schedule:
-Begin work (1/8)
-Ann Arbor Radio Research (due 1/14)
-Project approval (due 1/15)
-Benefit Concert (begin research and planning 1/18-end 1/29)
-Adopt-a-Highway Research (due 1/19)
-Club Perks (due 1/22)
-Contact Bands (ongoing)
-A lot of these details need to be worked out. Most of this is just a skeleton.
Materials/Equipment Needed: A computer w/ Internet; a cell phone; people skills
Project documentation: All research will be documented on an Excel spreadsheet. All benefit concert research will be kept in a Word document.At the end, I will hopefully at least have a date for the concert, even if I don't get to attend (i.e. if the earliest time is March).

The concert idea is probably not going to come through. I still need to find out the actual cost of using land, hiring bands etc. just to get an estimate on how expensive it is. It is probably going to cost way too much. My sole project is just to get all the advertising possibilities together.

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